Irish Folk & Celtic Music

The Irish Folk & Celtic Music is a festival in the Balver Höhle. The director is Sean Reeves and Stephan Haarmann. It was founded in 2002 and is based on an idea by former member Roland Krahl.



Directors: Roland Krahl, Stephan Haarmann

Notable musicians


Directors: Roland Krahl, Stephan Haarmann

Round about 2.500 tickets were sold.[1]


Directors: Josef Jost, Stephan Haarmann

A DVD was produced by a foreign company.


Round about 2.500 tickets were sold.


Director: Sean Reeves, Stephan Haarmann


For some people the festival is free of charge,[3] for everyone on Thursday. 1.500 spectators were counted on Thursday.[4] Some celtic rock fans of The Permanent Cure were happy about the concert of their idols.[5]

Round about 2.500 tickets were sold.



Main article: Balver Märchenwochen

The Irish Folk Team organizes the Irish Folk & Celtic Music festival. It is directed by Stephan Haarmann. The director of organization is Lisa Grefe. The artistic director is Sean Reeves.

The ensemble's director is Frank Butterweck. He organizes the ensemble and the ensemble team in cooperation with Lisa Grefe and Stephan Haarmann. The children's ensemble director is Felix Butterweck and Vivien Grefe.




  1. ^ Guinness, Geigen & großartige Folkmusik
  2. ^ 7. Irish-Folk and Celtic Music
  3. ^ Gratis zum Irish Folk
  4. ^ Rund 1.500 Besucher bei der Eröffnungsveranstaltung des siebten Irish Folk & Celtic Music in Balve
  5. ^ 7. Irish-Folk and Celtic Music Festival, Balver Höhle

External links